Annual Conference 2019 of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology, 17–20 March 2019, Mainz, Germany

17 March 2019

Meet PEACCEL at the VAAM 2019.

Rudy PANDJAITAN (Chief Business Officer) will be representing PEACCEL at this event.

PEACCEL will give a presentation “innov’SAR: a new approach for protein engineering and screening” on March 18 between 18:00-18:30.

Publication of two articles describing PEACCELs’ proprietary innov’SAR technology and its successful application in the improvement of an industrial enzyme

23 November 2018

PEACCEL  announced the publication of a two research articles describing PEACCELs’ proprietary innov’SAR technology and its application in the improvement of enzymes. The first article with the title “Application of fourier transform and proteochemometrics principles to protein engineering” was published in BMC Bioinformatics. The second article entitled “A machine learning approach for reliable prediction of amino acid interactions and its application in the directed evolution of enantioselective enzymes” was published in Scientific Reports, a Nature Publishing Group journal,

The first article describes PEACCELs’ algorithm innov’SAR and its capacity to describe and to model properties of different proteins ranging from peptides to enzymes and receptors. The second article which was done in collaboration with the research group of Manfred Reetz, one of the leading scientists in the field of enzyme evolution illustrates the successful application of innov’SAR for the accurate prediction of improved epoxide hydrolases.

“With these publications we have achieved a further key milestone in our company development as we could successfully demonstrate the power of our innov’SAR technology to predict improved protein properties and to reduce time consuming and expensive laboratory testing. As shown in the articles innov’SAR could capture additive as well as epistatic effects of mutations and therefore obtained highly accurate predictions of their combined activities. Based on the precise innov’SAR models we could predict improved variants of an enzyme of industrial interest. The testing of a very limited number of variants (<10) resulted in the identification of several mutans with improved properties. The collaboration with M. Reetz gave us the opportunity not only to have a very critical outside opinion on our technology but also to perform a proof of concept study to demonstrate that innov’SAR can also further optimize already highly improved enzymes” commented Rudy Pandjaitan head of business development.

biocat2018, 26–30 August 2018, Hamburg, Germany

26 August 2018

Meet PEACCEL at the biocat2018.

Rudy PANDJAITAN (Senior Director – Business Development) will be representing PEACCEL at this event.

GRC Biocatalysis, 8-13 July 2018, Biddeford, ME

6 July 2018

Meet PEACCEL at the GRC Biocatalysis.

PEACCEL is a Sponsor.

Rudy PANDJAITAN (Senior Director – Business Development) will be representing PEACCEL at this event.

27th CBSO Colloquium, 22-25 May 2018, Guidel, France

22 May 2018

Meet PEACCEL at the 27th CBSO Colloquium.

PEACCEL is a Sponsor.

Matthieu NG FUK CHONG (Team Leader Proteins & Enzymes) and Rudy PANDJAITAN (Senior Director – Business Development) will be representing PEACCEL at this event.

Bio-IT World 2018, 15-17 May 2018, Boston, MA

15 May 2018

Meet PEACCEL at Bio-IT World 2018.

Matthieu NG FUK CHONG (Team Leader Proteins & Enzymes) and Olivier SAVRIAMA (Team Leader Data Analysis & Application Development) will be representing PEACCEL at this event.